(MW) USA-UK Voltage Converter 45w

(MW) USA-UK Voltage Converter 45w Bilder

Beste (MW) USA-UK Voltage Converter 45w Test


Allows USA electrical equipment (110/120V supply required) to be powered from the UK (220/240V) mains. Simply plug in the wall step-down transformer. Ideal for radios Hi-Fi systems and other small appliances Rating up to 45VA How do I know which one I need?One VA is approximately equal to one Watt (assuming the load is purely resistive (which most AV gear is). You can calculate the power rating (in Watts or VA) by multiplying the current by the voltage. Here are some examples;Electric shavors 0.05A x 120v = 6VA use USM45Radios 0.1A x 120v = 12VA use USM45C.D. Players 0.15A x 120v = 18VA use USM45Christmas tree lights 0.2A x 120v = 24VA use USM45Games Console 0.35A x 120v = 36VA use USM100Televisions vary (check rating) but typically USM300Computer 5A x 120v = 600VA use USM1000***NB these are just examples please always check the actual rating***

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